How to love your customers every day

While Valentine’s Day presents a unique opportunity to display an outpouring of love and appreciation, here at Marketing Impact, we believe that rewarding, lasting relationships are built on something much simpler – service. 

In celebration of Valentine’s day, here’s 9 simple ways to love your customers not just today, but every day: 

1. Hand deliver an item that would be easier to send via courier
Taking the time to drop something off in person is always appreciated and it gives you an opportunity to ‘say hi’ face to face and meet other people within their organisation.

2. Send a handwritten note
Everyone loves receiving real mail and an unexpected thank you note is a thoughtful way to show your appreciation.

3. Get your senior leadership team involved
A note on social media from your CEO, an email to acknowledge an achievement, a phone call from your GM to introduce themselves and offer support. Customers greatly appreciate input from your senior leadership team, as often it’s assumed that ‘they’ll have ‘bigger fish to fry’.

4. Help your customer learn something new
Share an industry tip, offer your expertise to solve a problem, share a resource, a tool or a fresh idea that could help them in their business.

5. Pick up the phone
Instead of sending yet another email, pick up the phone and talk to your clients. You don’t have to have a reason to call – just check in to see how things are going.

6. Give something extra for no extra charge
Giving an unexpected ‘something extra’ without being prompted can show you care and that you’re willing to invest in your relationship.

7. Celebrate their successes
Did you customer recently win an award or achieve an important milestone? Say congratulations, via a phone call, email or card.

8. Fix problems quickly
Unfortunately, we all make mistakes, but it’s the fixing of them that matters for your ongoing customer relationships. Empower your team so that if a problem occurs, they can make it right and do that quickly.

9. Surprise them – in a good way
Turn up to a routine meeting with morning tea, text them to say you’re ‘out and about’ and do they have time for you to buy them a coffee. We love surprises, and things to break up the routine of the day.

In business, as in life, never miss an opportunity to show the people who are important to you that you care. A little appreciation goes a long way and it’s just as rewarding showing it, as it is receiving it.

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