3 Ways to easier customer communication in 2021

Three ways to easier customer communication in 2021

A new year is an opportunity to sweep out tired old habits and welcome in the new. 

Here’s three ways you can make communicating with your clients in 2021 the easiest yet: 

1. Outsourcing
The cost of processing mail in-house is more than you think. The time spent battling with mail merges, getting the paper right side up in the printer and rallying your work mates for an envelope stuffing party around the boardroom table is not an efficient use of internal resource. Also, your in-house print costs will be way more than you’d pay an external supplier, and there’s a chance you’re missing out on bulk mail postage discounts as well. Make 2020 easy this year by finding out what the outsourcing alternatives are for managing your regular customer mail. Outsourcing takes some effort to set up, but the results are worth it – your team will be freed up to do the work they’re there for. Not sure what aspects of your communications can be easily outsourced? Get in touch for a free no-obligation consultation to discuss how we can make 2020 easier.

2. Channel performance
How convinced are you that you’re using the most effective and efficient channel/s for your messaging? Mail, email and SMS all have their strengths – and weaknesses, depending on what you’re trying to achieve with your customer communication. Don’t keep rolling out your comms in the same way you always have. The world is changing, and so is the way we want to receive information. Take some time to step back and assess which communication channel can help you achieve your goals efficiently and effectively. Want some free advice on channel selection? Get in touch today for a free no-obligation ‘channel selection’ chat with one of our experts.

3. Analyse your postage costs
We send millions of mail units every year and here’s one thing we know is true. Most organisations we meet are paying more postage than they need to. Postage is a specialist area – the technical specifications are varied and detailed and it takes an expert to be able to navigate those specs to communicate your message in the most engaging way possible, without paying more in postage than you need to.

Our free postage audit service is the best way to assess what you’re paying on postage and how that number can be reduced. If you’d like our help please get in touch today – it’s a secret weapon that could save you thousands of dollars in postage every year.

Make this decade your easiest and most successful yet, by leveraging the expertise available right at your fingertips – we’re here to help whenever you need us.

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